世界的に有名な形成外科専門誌「Aesthetic Plastic Surgery」に投稿した、鎌倉統括院長の「脂肪組織由来幹細胞による豊胸術」に関する研究論文が受理され、2011年12月発行の「Volume35 Number6」に掲載されました。
この論文は、2007年11月よりセリューションシステムの開発・製造元であるサイトリ・セラピューティクス社と共同で実施した臨床研究の症例結果をまとめたものです。2011年12月にAesthetic Plastic Surgeryへ投稿し、2011年4月30日に受理され、2011年12月発行の「Volume35 Number6」P1022-1030に掲載されました。
■脂肪組織由来幹細胞による豊胸術 研究論文概略
Autologous Cell-Enriched FAt Grafting for Breast Augmentation
Tatsuro Kamakura / Kohei Ito
Abstract: Autologous fat grafting for breast augmentation has faced some historical hurdles. However, in recent years it has been gaining acceptance from the medical community. This prospective, nonrandomized open-label study of 20 Japanese women supports the use of autologous fat grafting in breast augmentation and explores enhancement of fat graft tissue with autologous adipose-derived regeneretive cells (ADRCs). ............
Materials and Methods:
Patient Selection
Between November 2007 and April 2008, 20 Japanese women with a mean age of 35.6 years (range, 21-52 years) desiring natural breast augmentation were considered for entry into the study. This prospective physician-initiated clinical study was approved by the institution's ethics committee, and all the patients provided written consent before participation. ..........
Surgical Technique
In this study, patients underwent a single bilateral breast augmentation treatment in an outpatient surgical setting. Withe the patients under conscious sedation, liposuction and breast augmentation were performed. After the required amount of adipose tissue graft for processing and augmentation was determined preperatively, tissue was harvested via syringe liposuction followed by processing and delively of the ADRC-enriched adipose tissue graft ........
Adipose Tissue Harvesting
Before liposuction, target areas were infiltrated with standard tumescent solution (lactated Ringers, 1% lidocaine and epinephrine). Through 5- to 6-mm skin incisions, adipose tissue was collected from the thighs, hips, buttocks, or abdominal area using a 3-mm Mercedes tip three-hole blunt cannula (Byron Medical, Tucson, AZ, USA) under low negative pressure. Adipose tissue then was divided into two fractions: one for the extraction of regenerative cellsand one for use as the fat graft. ............
≫聖心美容外科統括院長 鎌倉達郎医師プロフィール